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What People Are Saying

"This retreat provided encouragement, laughter and feeling of belonging - I'm with my people, when in a room of total strangers I felt like I belonged."

"The most valuable part of this retreat is the non-judgmental support and honesty.  I loooooooved and needed this retreat."

"What an amazing weekend!  Thank you for the beautiful time of encouragement.

I absolutely loved this retreat."

"Paula was a great speaker.  Love how she did not give us a list of how-to's, but rather she pointed us to Christ, related to us, gave us hope -was funny.  This has been the best retreat ever!  The worship and speaker were phenomenal.  LOVED all the free time.  The schedule wasn't jammed packed with activities - I didn't need more busy in my life!"

"Hearts Encouraged brought my focus back to the Lord and not my circumstances, Perfectly right!  The spirit of the entire weekend was beautiful!"

"This retreat provided encouragement and hope that was given in each story...This was a gift and brought healing and support."

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